Olympia Woodworkers Guild March Meeting and Presentation
When: 6:30-8:15pm , March 26
Presenter: John Chernoff
Topic: Drawbore Joinery
"My woodworking background began with a desire to make more permanent things than the sets I was building for a local theater. I explored finer woodworking as I moved from theater to residential remodeling, to teaching stage design and construction and finally to teaching middle school woodshop. I learned by reading and trying before eventually taking classes at the Port Townsend School of Woodworking. I continue to find time to explore my own woodworking and hope someday to actually finish a project of my own."
John's presentation will describe the use of drawbore joinery for joining larger pieces such as his self-made work bench shown below.

Drawboring Mortise and Tenon Joints.pptx